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Artificial Intelligence
Powered Test Evaluation

Test evaluation is done by Artificial Intelligence technology as per the PTE Scoring guidelines, to ensure accuracy and lack of bias in its test results.

The PTE is designed in sections to check the students’ performance in various modules with different levels of knowledge and intelligence. Moreover, the tests are evaluated using an AI algorithm, the PTE mock test results are neutral and genuine.

PTE Software for institutes - PREP27 offers one of the best practice platform with AI that improve your English language skills, practice in a real time online environment, get a prediction of your questions and learn time management and various essential tips to score a better percentage on the real PTE exam.

Know Your Software


You will get more number of tests with answers & explanations, strategy PPTs, testing platform, evaluation panel for trainers, centre management tool & seamless backend support only with us. And the best part is you can get everything on your brand name.

Speech test analysis

This tool will help a student in improving pronunciation for the speaking module.

AI NLP based test evaluation

Test evaluation is done by Artificial Intelligence technology as per the PTE Scoring guidelines, to ensure accuracy and lack of bias in its test results.

Question type test preparation

The scoring in the online PTE Section-wise test gives you an in-depth analysis of each question type and the areas to improve.

Student kpi dashboard

Detailed student performance dashboard for better and quick analysis of actual performance of student on all required PTE criteria.

Institute Dashboard

Our Institute Dashboard in the PTE software serves as your control center for student management and performance tracking. It seamlessly integrates student data, students activity logs, and students tests logs, ensuring that educators have the right tools to effectively guide students on their PTE journey.

video tutorials

An important place where students can learn questions wise strategies from the experts.

accurate evaluation on strength & weaknesses

Accurate evaluation of performance for student to get better understanding of areas which needs to improve to get better scored.