
PTE listening: tips for answering multiple-choice, choose single answer

The Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer questions in the PTE Listening section assess your ability to comprehend spoken information and select the most appropriate answer from a set of options. These questions require careful listening skills and effective decision-making. In this blog post, we will discuss some valuable tips to help you tackle Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer questions successfully in the PTE Listening test.

Focus on the Context:

Listen attentively to the audio and pay close attention to the context in which the question is asked. Understanding the context is crucial for determining the most relevant answer choice. Consider the speaker's tone, emphasis, and the overall message conveyed to grasp the intended meaning.

Predict the Answer:

Before the options are presented, try to predict the answer based on your understanding of the audio. Consider the main topic, key points, and any hints or clues provided. This prediction will help you actively listen for information that confirms or contradicts your initial assumption.

Take Effective Notes:

While listening to the audio, take concise notes to capture important details. Write down keywords, phrases, or numbers that are relevant to the question. This will help you remember and compare the options more effectively when they are presented. Practice active listening and note-taking skills to enhance your comprehension.

Analyze the Options:

Once the audio ends and the options are displayed, carefully read each option. Analyze their content and consider how they relate to the information presented in the audio. Be aware of any distractors or choices that may sound plausible but are ultimately incorrect. Look for key words or phrases that match or contradict what you heard.

Identify Synonyms and Paraphrases:

Pay attention to synonyms and paraphrases of the information provided in the audio. The options may use different words or phrases to convey similar meanings. Listen for these variations and compare them to the answer choices. Be cautious of misleading similarities or changes in the wording that alter the meaning.

Consider the Speaker's Intention:

Consider the speaker's intention or purpose behind the information shared. Determine if the speaker is expressing an opinion, providing a fact, giving advice, or making a recommendation. Understanding the speaker's intention can help you select the most appropriate answer that aligns with their purpose.

Use Process of Elimination:

If you are unsure about a particular option, use the process of elimination to narrow down your choices. Cross out any options that clearly do not match the information provided in the audio. This will increase your chances of selecting the correct answer by reducing the number of potential options.

Review and Verify:

Before submitting your answer, take a moment to review and verify your selection. Re-evaluate your chosen option by considering the context, notes, and key details from the audio. Ensure that your answer aligns with the information presented and that it makes logical sense. Use any remaining time to double-check your response.


Successfully answering Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer questions in the PTE Listening section requires active listening, effective note-taking, and critical thinking skills. By focusing on the context, predicting the answer, taking meaningful notes, analyzing the options, identifying synonyms and paraphrases, considering the speaker's intention, using the process of elimination, and reviewing your selection, you can approach these questions with confidence. Regular practice and exposure to different audio sources will enhance your listening abilities and improve your performance in the PTE Listening test.