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PTE writing: developing complex sentences and vocabulary

In the PTE Writing section, your ability to express yourself clearly and effectively is essential for achieving a high score. To elevate your writing, it's crucial to develop complex sentences and enrich your vocabulary. This blog will provide you with valuable strategies and tips to enhance your sentence structure and vocabulary usage in the PTE Writing section, enabling you to convey your ideas more precisely and impressively.

Understand Sentence Structure:

Familiarize yourself with the components of a complex sentence. Learn how to use coordinating conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or), subordinating conjunctions (e.g., although, because, while), and relative pronouns (e.g., who, which, that) to join ideas and clauses. This understanding forms the foundation for constructing more sophisticated sentences.

Combine Simple Sentences:

Take advantage of coordinating conjunctions to combine simple sentences into more complex ones. Instead of using multiple short sentences, merge related ideas using appropriate conjunctions. This adds variety and depth to your writing, showcasing your ability to connect thoughts and present them in a cohesive manner.

Use Subordinating Conjunctions:

Introduce subordination into your writing by employing subordinating conjunctions to create complex sentences. Subordinate clauses provide additional information or contextualize the main idea, allowing for more nuanced and detailed expression. Practice incorporating clauses using subordinating conjunctions to enrich your writing.

Employ Relative Clauses:

Master the use of relative clauses to provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in your sentences. This technique allows you to add descriptive details and expand on concepts, demonstrating your ability to express complex ideas succinctly. Experiment with different relative pronouns to diversify your sentence structures.

Expand Your Vocabulary:

Enhance your vocabulary by actively seeking out new words and phrases. Read extensively, engage with a variety of materials, and create a personalized vocabulary list. Regularly practice incorporating these words into your writing to demonstrate a wider range of vocabulary and lexical resource.

Use Synonyms and Antonyms:

To avoid repetition and enhance the quality of your writing, utilize synonyms and antonyms. Instead of using the same word repeatedly, explore different words with similar or contrasting meanings. This not only adds variety to your writing but also demonstrates your grasp of nuanced vocabulary and your ability to convey shades of meaning.

Contextualize Vocabulary:

Contextualize your vocabulary within the specific topic or subject of your writing. Understand the connotations and appropriate usage of words to ensure their relevance and accuracy. This skill demonstrates your ability to choose appropriate language for different contexts, further elevating the quality of your writing.

Read Sample Essays and Model Responses:

Expose yourself to sample essays and model responses to gain insights into how complex sentences and advanced vocabulary are employed effectively. Analyze the structure, sentence variety, and vocabulary choices of high-scoring essays. Incorporate the techniques you observe into your own writing to enhance your style and proficiency.

Practice Sentence Expansion Exercises:

Engage in sentence expansion exercises to reinforce your ability to develop complex sentences. Take simple sentences and experiment with different techniques, such as using conjunctions, adding clauses, or employing modifiers. This practice hones your skills in sentence construction and fosters a deeper understanding of sentence structures.

Seek Feedback and Review:

Regularly seek feedback on your writing from knowledgeable sources, such as teachers, tutors, or language partners. Review their suggestions and implement revisions to refine your sentence structure and vocabulary usage. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement.


Developing complex sentences and enriching your vocabulary are crucial steps towards achieving success in the PTE Writing section. By mastering sentence structure, combining ideas effectively, utilizing subordination and relative clauses, expanding your vocabulary, and practicing diligently, you can elevate the quality of your writing and showcase your language proficiency. With persistence and consistent effort, you'll become adept at crafting sophisticated sentences and using a diverse range of vocabulary to express your ideas precisely and impressively in the PTE Writing test.