
PTE writing: how to paraphrase effectively for the essay

Paraphrasing is a crucial skill in the PTE Writing section, especially when writing the essay. It demonstrates your ability to restate information in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Effectively paraphrasing not only showcases your language proficiency but also allows you to convey your ideas in a clear and concise manner. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of paraphrasing in the PTE Writing section and provide you with essential tips and techniques to master the art of paraphrasing for a high score.

Understand the Purpose of Paraphrasing:

Paraphrasing serves two main purposes in the PTE Writing section. Firstly, it shows that you have a good grasp of the topic and can accurately restate the information provided. Secondly, it helps you avoid plagiarism by presenting the information in your own words. Understanding the purpose of paraphrasing will motivate you to develop this skill and utilize it effectively in your essay.

Analyze the Original Text:

Before attempting to paraphrase, it is essential to thoroughly analyze the original text. Break down the sentences and identify the main ideas, key points, and supporting details. By gaining a clear understanding of the original text, you can extract the essential information and rephrase it accurately in your own words.

Replace Words and Phrases:

To paraphrase effectively, focus on replacing words and phrases from the original text with synonymous terms or alternative expressions. Use a thesaurus to find suitable synonyms that maintain the same meaning. Be cautious about changing the meaning of the original text while paraphrasing, as it may result in conveying a different message.

Rearrange Sentence Structure:

Paraphrasing also involves rearranging the sentence structure while retaining the original meaning. Modify the sentence order, change the word order, and use different grammatical structures to create a unique sentence. Pay attention to maintaining coherence and clarity in your paraphrased sentences.

Change Verb Tenses and Word Forms:

Another aspect of effective paraphrasing is altering verb tenses and word forms. If the original text uses a past tense verb, you can paraphrase it using a present tense verb or vice versa, depending on the context. Similarly, convert nouns into adjectives or verbs into nouns to bring variety to your writing.

Focus on the Main Ideas:

When paraphrasing, prioritize the main ideas and key points of the original text. This ensures that you capture the essence of the information without getting caught up in unnecessary details. By focusing on the main ideas, you can provide a concise and well-structured response in your essay.

Practice with Sample Prompts:

To sharpen your paraphrasing skills, practice with sample prompts and essay topics. Take the time to analyze the original text, paraphrase it effectively, and compare your paraphrased version with the original. This practice will help you refine your paraphrasing techniques and build confidence in your ability to express ideas in your own words.


Paraphrasing is a valuable skill in the PTE Writing section, allowing you to demonstrate your language proficiency and convey information effectively. By understanding the purpose of paraphrasing and employing key techniques such as word replacement, sentence restructuring, and altering verb tenses, you can create well-crafted and original content in your essay. Regular practice with sample prompts will enhance your paraphrasing skills and ensure you are prepared to tackle any topic in the PTE Writing section. With diligent practice and a focused approach, you can master the art of paraphrasing and achieve a high score in your PTE Writing essay.

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